Royalty Free Lithograph Stock Historical Images

Historical Image of George Washington 1783 - American Revolutionary War - Black and White by Al
George Washington 1783 - American Revolutionary War - Black and White
Historical Image of George Washington 1783 - American War of Independence - Black and White by Al
George Washington 1783 - American War of Independence - Black and White
Historical Lithograph Image of the Battle of New Orleans on January 8th, 1814 by Al
The Battle of New Orleans on January 8th, 1814
Historical Image of Daniel Boone Protecting His Family by Al
Daniel Boone Protecting His Family
Historical Image of the Arrival of Hendrick Hudson in the Bay of New York 1609 by Al
The Arrival of Hendrick Hudson in the Bay of New York 1609

Historical Illustration of Native American and Frontier Men Aiming Rifles at Native Americans While They Fall for a Trick in a Forest by Al
Native American and Frontier Men Aiming Rifles at Native Americans While They Fall for a Trick in a Forest
Historical Image of the Beach and Incline Railway at Niagara Falls by Al
The Beach and Incline Railway at Niagara Falls
Historical Illustration of the Battle of New Orleans 1814 by Al
The Battle of New Orleans 1814
Historical Sepia Illustration of Fans Watching a Boston Braves Baseball Game Fans Watching a Boston Braves Baseball Game 1888 by Al
Fans Watching a Boston Braves Baseball Game 1888
Historical Illustration of Men in Prayer, Standing Around Christopher Columbus at His Death 1506 by Al
Men in Prayer, Standing Around Christopher Columbus at His Death 1506

Historical Illustration of the Landing of Columbus October 11th 1492 by Al
The Landing of Columbus October 11th 1492
Historical Illustration of the Battle of New Orleans 1814 by Al
The Battle of New Orleans 1814
Historical Illustration of Christopher Columbus on Board His Ship - Black and White Version by Al
Christopher Columbus on Board His Ship - Black and White Version
Historical Illustration of Molly Pitcher by Al
Molly Pitcher
Historical Illustration of a Happy Girl Sitting in a Rocking Chair and Looking at Photographs by Al
Happy Girl Sitting in a Rocking Chair and Looking at Photographs

Historical Illustration of an Innocent Little Girl Holding Her Toy Doll by Al
Innocent Little Girl Holding Her Toy Doll
Historical Illustration of a Curly Haired Girl Surrounded by Calendars in 1889 by Al
Curly Haired Girl Surrounded by Calendars in 1889
Historical Illustration of Aaron Holding an Incense Burner by Al
Aaron Holding an Incense Burner
Historical Illustration of Moses Holding a Staff and a Tablet with the Ten Commandments on a Tablet by Al
Moses Holding a Staff and a Tablet with the Ten Commandments on a Tablet
Historical Illustration of a Little Boy or Girl Sitting in a Chair, Holding a Riding Crop and Hat by Al
Little Boy or Girl Sitting in a Chair, Holding a Riding Crop and Hat

Historical Portrait of Christopher Columbus Facing Front and Resting His Hand over America on a Globe by Al
Portrait of Christopher Columbus Facing Front and Resting His Hand over America on a Globe
Historical Illustration of Christopher Columbus Kneeling in Front of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain As Natives and Other People Watch During a Reception After His First Return from America by Al
Christopher Columbus Kneeling in Front of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain As Natives and Other People Watch During a Reception After His First Return from America
Historical Painting of Yankee Doodle, 1776 by Al
Yankee Doodle, 1776
Historical Painting of Men of the Fire Department Pulling out an Old Fashioned Fire Engine by Al
Men of the Fire Department Pulling out an Old Fashioned Fire Engine
Historical Painting of a Brave Fireman Carrying a Girl in His Arms While Rescuing Her from a Fire by Al
Brave Fireman Carrying a Girl in His Arms While Rescuing Her from a Fire

Historical Painting of a Brave Fireman Extinguishing a Building Fire with a Hose by Al
Brave Fireman Extinguishing a Building Fire with a Hose
Historical Illustration of a Pretty Puritan Woman Holding Holly in Her Apron While Standing in the Snow by Al
Pretty Puritan Woman Holding Holly in Her Apron While Standing in the Snow
Historical Illustration of a Grandmother Teaching Her Grand Daughter How to Sew Socks by Al
Grandmother Teaching Her Grand Daughter How to Sew Socks
Historical Illustration of a Child Sitting in a Chair, Holding a Riding Crop and Hat by Al
Little Boy or Girl Sitting in a Chair, Holding a Riding Crop and Hat
Historical Illustration of Evacuation Day During George Washington's Triumphal Entry into New York City 1783 by Al
Evacuation Day During George Washington's Triumphal Entry into New York City 1783

Historical Illustration of People Racing on Horse Drawn Sleighs on a Snowing Winter Day by Al
People Racing on Horse Drawn Sleighs on a Snowing Winter Day
Historical Illustration of Four Horse Drawn Sleighs Racing down a Street in Front of a Home While People Watch or Ice Skate in the Background by Al
Four Horse Drawn Sleighs Racing down a Street in Front of a Home While People Watch or Ice Skate in the Background
Historical Illustration of the Battle of the Thamas 1813 - Black and White by Al
Battle of the Thamas 1813 - Black and White
Historical Illustration of the Capture of John Andre 1780 - Black and White by Al
The Capture of John Andre 1780 - Black and White
Historical Illustration of Washington at Princeton January 3rd 1777 - Black and White by Al
Washington at Princeton January 3rd 1777 - Black and White

Historical Illustration of the Capture of John Andre 1780 by Al
The Capture of John Andre 1780
Historical Illustration of the Capture of John Andre 1780 - Black and White by Al
The Capture of John Andre 1780 - Black and White
Historical Illustration of George Washington 1783 - Black and White by Al
George Washington 1783 - Black and White
Historical Illustration of the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va - Black and White by Al
Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va - Black and White
Historical Illustration of Washington at Princeton 1777 - Black and White by Al
Washington at Princeton 1777 - Black and White

Historical Illustration of the Capture of John Andre 1780 by Al
The Capture of John Andre 1780
Historical Illustration of the Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown 1781 - Black and White by Al
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown 1781 - Black and White
Historical Illustration of the Escape of Sergeant Champe 1780 - Black and White by Al
The Escape of Sergeant Champe 1780 - Black and White
Historical Illustration of a Farmer and Daughter Watching Entertaining African Americans As They Dance and Play a Banjo in a Barn - Black and White by Al
Farmer and Daughter Watching Entertaining African Americans As They Dance and Play a Banjo in a Barn - Black and White
Historical Illustration of a Man and Lady Riding in a Horse Drawn Sleigh on a Wintry Road by Al
Man and Lady Riding in a Horse Drawn Sleigh on a Wintry Road

Historical Illustration of People Gathering Water for Their Hoses While Stopping in a Village by Al
People Gathering Water for Their Hoses While Stopping in a Village
Historical Illustration of Two Beautiful Horses, Black Hawk and Lady Suffolk, Standing Together by Al
Two Beautiful Horses, Black Hawk and Lady Suffolk, Standing Together
Historical Illustration of an Agricultural Diploma with Jockeys Racing Horses, Livestock, Produce and Farming Tools by Al
Agricultural Diploma with Jockeys Racing Horses, Livestock, Produce and Farming Tools
Historical Illustration of Four Male Campers Sitting Around a Fire with Their Horses in the Background by Al
Four Male Campers Sitting Around a Fire with Their Horses in the Background
Historical Illustration of a Man, Robert Bonner, in a Cart, Being Pulled by a Running Horse - Black and White by Al
Man, Robert Bonner, in a Cart, Being Pulled by a Running Horse - Black and White

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