Royalty Free Abraham Lincoln Stock Historical Images

Historical Illustration of Prominent Union and Confederate Generals and Statesmen on Horses by Al
Prominent Union and Confederate Generals and Statesmen on Horses
Historical Illustration of Villagers Greeting Abraham Lincoln on Horseback in Front of His House in Springfield, Illinois by Al
Villagers Greeting Abraham Lincoln on Horseback in Front of His House in Springfield, Illinois
Historical Illustration of Abraham Lincoln on Horseback in Front of His Home, Being Greeting by Villages upon the Return of His Successful Campaign for the Presidency by Al
Abraham Lincoln on Horseback in Front of His Home, Being Greeting by Villages upon the Return of His Successful Campaign for the Presidency
Historical Illustration of the Great National Memorial Featuring American Presidents and Historical Events by Al
The Great National Memorial Featuring American Presidents and Historical Events
Historical Vector Illustration of Abraham Lincoln Profile - Black, Beige, and Blue Version by Al
Abraham Lincoln Profile - Black, Beige, and Blue Version

Historical Vector Illustration of Abraham Lincoln Raising an American Flag by Al
Abraham Lincoln Raising an American Flag
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam Standing with Gallows Birds - Black and White Version by Al
Uncle Sam Standing with Gallows Birds - Black and White Version
Historical Black and White Illustration of Willie, Robert, Tad, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln Seated Around a Table in 1861 by Al
Willie, Robert, Tad, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln Seated Around a Table in 1861

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