Royalty Free Grazing Stock Historical Images

Illustration of a Couple of Cows Grazing Beside a Tree - Black and White by Al
Couple of Cows Grazing Beside a Tree - Black and White
Historical Photochrom of Sheep Grazing in a Hilly Pasture near a Lake in England by Al
Sheep Grazing in a Hilly Pasture near a Lake in England
Historical Photochrom of Cattle Grazing in Front of the Ruins of Kirkoswald Castle, Kirkoswald, Cumbria, England by Al
Cattle Grazing in Front of the Ruins of Kirkoswald Castle, Kirkoswald, Cumbria, England
Historical Illustration of a White-tailed Deer Grazing - Black and White Version by Al
White-tailed Deer Grazing

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