Royalty Free Native Stock Historical Images

Historical Photo of Pueblo Indian Natives Carrying Water Urns over Their Heads in New Mexico by Al
Pueblo Indian Natives Carrying Water Urns over Their Heads in New Mexico
Historical Photo of Pueblo Native Person Standing Beside Village Buildings in New Mexico by Al
Pueblo Native Person Standing Beside Village Buildings in New Mexico
Historical Photo of a Senior Native American Man Sitting on a Wooden Cart in Pueblo of San Juan, New Mexico by Al
Senior Native American Man Sitting on a Wooden Cart in Pueblo of San Juan, New Mexico
Historical Photo of a Native American Indian Sitting on a Wall in Pueblo De Taos, New Mexico by Al
Native American Indian Sitting on a Wall in Pueblo De Taos, New Mexico
Historical Photo of Native American Overlooking Humboldt River - Sepia by Al
Native American Overlooking Humboldt River - Sepia

Historical Photo of Old Native American Couple, Jose Jesus and His Wife, Posing Together by Al
Old Native American Couple, Jose Jesus and His Wife, Posing Together
Historical Photo of Taos Native American Indian Standing Beside a Ladder at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico by Al
Taos Native American Indian Standing Beside a Ladder at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico
Historical Photo of Native American Indian Couple, Pee Viggi and His Wife, Posing Together by Al
Native American Indian Couple, Pee Viggi and His Wife, Posing Together
Historical Photo of Landing of Columbus 1492 - Black and White by Al
Landing of Columbus 1492 - Black and White
Historical Photo of the Landing of Columbus 1492 - Black and White by Al
The Landing of Columbus 1492 - Black and White

Historical Photo of Christopher Columbus Surrounded by Indians - Black and White by Al
Christopher Columbus Surrounded by Indians - Black and White
Historical Photo of the Pride of Columbus - Black and White by Al
The Pride of Columbus - Black and White
Historical Photo of Indian Telephone Operator 1925 - Black and White by Al
Indian Telephone Operator 1925 - Black and White
Historical Image of the Landing of Columbus by Al
Landing of Columbus
Historical Image of Daniel Boone Protecting His Family by Al
Daniel Boone Protecting His Family

Historical Image of the Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth - Color Version 1620 by Al
Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth - Color Version 1620
Historical Image of the Indians Giving a Talk to Colonel Bouquet 1764 by Al
The Indians Giving a Talk to Colonel Bouquet 1764
Historical Image of the Indians Delivering up the English Captives to Colonel Bouquet by Al
The Indians Delivering up the English Captives to Colonel Bouquet
Historical Image of the Arrival of Hendrick Hudson in the Bay of New York 1609 by Al
The Arrival of Hendrick Hudson in the Bay of New York 1609
Historical Image of a Native American Man in the Cold by a Fire Watching a Plane Fly Above 1914 by Al
Native American Man in the Cold by a Fire Watching a Plane Fly Above 1914

Historical Illustration of Savagery to Civilization by Al
Savagery to Civilization
Historical Illustration of Savagery to Civilization by Al
Savagery to Civilization
Historical Illustration of Native American on a White Horse, Riding near Tipis Close to a Forest and Snow Capped Mountains in Montana by Al
Native American on a White Horse, Riding near Tipis Close to a Forest and Snow Capped Mountains in Montana
Historical Illustration of Native American Indian on Horseback, Riding Towards Tepees at the Edge of a Forest near Snow Capped Mountains in Montana by Al
Native American Indian on Horseback, Riding Towards Tepees at the Edge of a Forest near Snow Capped Mountains in Montana
Historical Illustration of American Indian Tipis and Rock Art near a River and Mountains in Montana by Al
American Indian Tipis and Rock Art near a River and Mountains in Montana

Historical Illustration of Native American Tipis and Rock Art by a River and Mountains in Montana by Al
Native American Tipis and Rock Art by a River and Mountains in Montana
Historical Illustration of the Defeat of American Army by General Howe 1777 by Al
The Defeat of American Army by General Howe 1777
Historical Illustration: Battle of Trippeceanoe by Al
Battle of Trippeceanoe
Historical Illustration of Christopher Columbus Speaking to a Native Man During the Landing of Columbus at San Salvador in 1492 by Al
Christopher Columbus Speaking to a Native Man During the Landing of Columbus at San Salvador in 1492
Historical Illustration of Curious Natives Watching a Man Kneeling and Bowing to Christopher Columbus and His Men upon Landing in the New World by Al
Curious Natives Watching a Man Kneeling and Bowing to Christopher Columbus and His Men upon Landing in the New World

Historical Illustration of Christopher Columbus with Natives from the New World, Standing Proudly Before the King and Queen of Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, at the Court of Barcelona, Spain in February of 1493 by Al
Christopher Columbus with Natives from the New World, Standing Proudly Before the King and Queen of Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, at the Court of Barcelona, Spain in February of 1493
Historical Illustration of Christopher Columbus and His Crew Men Hiding Behind Bushes Under a Palm Tree and Watching Indigenous Native Men Playing What Appears to Be Baseball upon the First Landing in the New World at San Salvador by Al
Christopher Columbus and His Crew Men Hiding Behind Bushes Under a Palm Tree and Watching Indigenous Native Men Playing What Appears to Be Baseball upon the First Landing in the New World at San Salvador
Historical Illustration of the Battle of Trippeceanoe by Al
Battle of Trippeceanoe
Historical Illustration of David Zeisberger Preaching to the Native Americans Around a Fire by Al
David Zeisberger Preaching to the Native Americans Around a Fire
Historical Illustration of Four Male Campers Sitting Around a Fire with Their Horses in the Background by Al
Four Male Campers Sitting Around a Fire with Their Horses in the Background

Historical Vector Illustration of a Native American Indian Riding Horse Towards Tipis at the Edge of a Forest Under Mountains in Montana by Al
Native American Indian Riding Horse Towards Tipis at the Edge of a Forest Under Mountains in Montana
Historical Vector Illustration of Rock Art and Tipis on a River Bank near Mountains in Montana by Al
Rock Art and Tipis on a River Bank near Mountains in Montana
Historical Image of Native American Indians Getting Gold from the Rivers - Black and White Version by Al
Native American Indians Getting Gold from the Rivers - Black and White Version
Historical Image of a Triumphant and Solemn Ritual in Celebration of the Defeat of an Enemy - Native American Indians - Black and White Version by Al
A Triumphant and Solemn Ritual in Celebration of the Defeat of an Enemy - Native American Indians - Black and White Version
Historical Image of Exercises of Youth - Native American Indians - Black and White Version by Al
Exercises of Youth - Native American Indians - Black and White Version

Historical Image of Native American Indians Killing Giant Alligators - Black and White Version by Al
Native American Indians Killing Giant Alligators - Black and White Version
Historical Image of Rene De Laudonniere and the Florida Indians by Al
Rene De Laudonniere and the Florida Indians
Historical Image of Champlain Exploring the Canadian Wilderness by Al
Champlain Exploring the Canadian Wilderness
Historical Image of Henry Hudson Descending the Hudson River by Al
Henry Hudson Descending the Hudson River
Historical Image of the Arrival of Hendrick Hudson in the Bay of New York - September 12, 1609 by Al
The Arrival of Hendrick Hudson in the Bay of New York - September 12, 1609

Historical Image of the Defeat of General Braddock 1755 by Al
Defeat of General Braddock 1755
Historical Image of Poquanum Selling Nahant to Thomas Dexter 1630 by Al
Poquanum Selling Nahant to Thomas Dexter 1630
Historical Image of the Indians Delivering up the English Captives to Colonel Bouquet by Al
The Indians Delivering up the English Captives to Colonel Bouquet
Historical Image of the Indians Giving a Talk to Colonel Bouquet 1764 by Al
The Indians Giving a Talk to Colonel Bouquet 1764
Historical Image of Benjamin Logan Saving Harrison from Being Scalped by Al
Benjamin Logan Saving Harrison from Being Scalped

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