Royalty Free Stock Historical Images of War Bonds

Historical Photo of Canadian Policeman with a German Soldier and Dachshund Dog 1918 - Vintage Military War Poster by Al
Canadian Policeman with a German Soldier and Dachshund Dog 1918 - Vintage Military War Poster
Historical Photo of Canadian Policeman with a German Soldier and Dachshund Dog 1918 - Vintage Military War Poster by Al
Canadian Policeman with a German Soldier and Dachshund Dog 1918 - Vintage Military War Poster
Historical Photo of Female Telephone Operator - Vintage Military War Poster 1918 by Al
Female Telephone Operator - Vintage Military War Poster 1918
Historical Photo of Immigrants and American Flag - Vintage Military War Poster 1918 by Al
Immigrants and American Flag - Vintage Military War Poster 1918
Historical Illustration of Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima 1945 by Al
Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima 1945

Historical Illustration of Three Children, One Kissing Another by Al
Three Children, One Kissing Another
Historical Illustration of a Male and Female Riveters Working on a Plane Engine - the Sky's the Limit! - Keep Buying War Bonds by Al
Male and Female Riveters Working on a Plane Engine - the Sky's the Limit! - Keep Buying War Bonds
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam: Boys and Girls! Help Me Win the War by Saving Your Quarters - Black and White Version by Al
Uncle Sam: Boys and Girls! Help Me Win the War by Saving Your Quarters - Black and White Version
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam: Your War Savings Pledge - Our Boys Make Good Their Pledge - Are You Keeping Yours? by Al
Uncle Sam: Your War Savings Pledge - Our Boys Make Good Their Pledge - Are You Keeping Yours?
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam: if You Can't Enlist, Invest! Buy a Liberty Bond by Al
Uncle Sam: if You Can't Enlist, Invest! Buy a Liberty Bond

Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam: Boys and Girls! You Can Help Win the War - Save Your Quarters - Buy War Savings Stamp by Al
Uncle Sam: Boys and Girls! You Can Help Win the War - Save Your Quarters - Buy War Savings Stamp
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam: Bonds-Which? by Al
Uncle Sam: Bonds-Which?
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam: You Buy a Liberty Bond Today and I'll Do the Rest by Al
Uncle Sam: You Buy a Liberty Bond Today and I'll Do the Rest
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam Needs Money As Well As Men - Join the Liberty Loan Partial Payment Plan at Any Bank by Al
Uncle Sam Needs Money As Well As Men - Join the Liberty Loan Partial Payment Plan at Any Bank
Historical Illustration of Invest Your Money with Uncle Sam - Join the Crowd - Buy Liberty Bonds by Al
Invest Your Money with Uncle Sam - Join the Crowd - Buy Liberty Bonds

Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam: the Liberty Loan Is the Cash Register of Patriotism by Al
Uncle Sam: the Liberty Loan Is the Cash Register of Patriotism
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam Giving the $3,000,000,000 Punch - Liberty Bond by Al
Uncle Sam Giving the $3,000,000,000 Punch - Liberty Bond
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam's Dog with a Liberty Bond Beside a Woman and Baby by Al
Uncle Sam's Dog with a Liberty Bond Beside a Woman and Baby
Historical Illustration of a Woman with Baby and Uncle Sam Dog with a Liberty Bond by Al
Woman with Baby and Uncle Sam Dog with a Liberty Bond
Historical Illustration of Uncle Sam over Military Troops - Buy War Bonds Poster by Al
Uncle Sam over Military Troops - Buy War Bonds Poster

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